▶Academic reports
▶陈赓 Talent Class Forum
▶Teachering activities
▶Lighting the Blue(LtB) Forum / International Day of Light (IDL)celebrating
Prof. Dr. Wenxin Wang earned his academic degree of Dr. rer. nat. (Cum laude) at the Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) in 2018 and became the group leader of PMG in the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering as well as the Innovation and Development Base (Qingdao) at the Harbin Engineering University (HEU) in the same year. He specializes in functional nanostructures construction and light-matter interaction within photonic lattice, e.g. lattice plasmons, luminescent pattering, nanolasing, and strong coupling by SLR, etc.. So far, he has authored for more than 30 papers and received some research prizes and prestigious funding (5.31 million RMB in total). He was invited to give the Post-Deadline Talk with Prof. Florian from TU München, Prof. Hines from Cornell University, and Prof. Kowarik from BAM at 2018 DPG spring conference (at Berlin with more than 1000 audience), and received the honor of “Rising stars of light” in 2018 by Light: Science & Applications. He organized and served as conference manager of CPFN conference in Germany at 2014, and host the Lighting the Blue (LTB) forum at 2020 (around 10000 online audience). He serves as the deputy president of Heilongjiang Western Returned Scholars Association (Oversea-educated Scholars Association of Heilongjiang), the manager of Light Qingdao office, the mentor of HEU CHEN GENG Talent Class, and the advisor of OSA-HEU student chapter as well as SPIE-HEU student chapter.
Please contact with wenxin.wang@hrbeu.edu.cn
Assoc. Prof. Yi Wang received her PhD degree from Jilin University in 2018, joined Photonic Materials Group as introduced youth talent in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering as well as the Innovation and Development Base (Qingdao) of Harbin Engineering University in the same year, and then appointed as a master supervisor in 2019. She has been a joint PhD student in Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany) for one-year study and exchange program. Her research interests include fabrication of hierarchical nanostructures base on anodic alumina, and reversible / gradual deformation 2D nano-arrays and its optical properties. So far, she has published 15 academic papers, and presided 1 project of National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), 1 project of Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, 2 project of Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, the funding support came to 580 thousand RMB. Furthermore, she was responsible for five other projects as the major participant. Currently, she serves as advisor of OSA-HEU student chapter as well as SPIE-HEU student chapter.
Name: Lv Fanzhou (吕凡舟), Vice President of OSA HEU student chapter
Research: SLR and Nanolasing
Email: lvfanzhou@hrbeu.edu.cn
Name: Yudie Huang (黄雨蝶), President of OSA HEU student chapter
Research: Structural coloration
Email: xiaozhangdaren@hrbeu.edu.cn
Jiaxue Chen (陈佳旭), President of SPIE HEU student chapter
Research: Band structure modulation of photonic lattice
Email: jiaxu.chen@hrbeu.edu.cn
Zhihang Wang (王智航)
Research: Strong coupling
Email: wangzhihang@hrbeu.edu.cn
Dongda Wu(吴东达)
Research: Research: Band structure modulation of photonic lattice
Email: dongda.wu@hrbeu.eud.cn
Shijia He(和世佳)
Research: Photonic lattice microtubular
Email: heshijia@hrbeu.edu.cn
Junqiao La(腊峻侨)
Yujun Liu(刘昱君)
Zhicheng Guo(郭治成)
Xubin Yang(杨徐斌)
Yunlong Wan(万云龙)
Email: wanyunlong@hrbeu.edu.cn
Rong Cong(从蓉)
Email: cr18599441680@163.com
Jingang Liu(刘晋纲)
Email: 2540327483@qq.com
Shiyao Jia (Former)
Lab facilities
Physical vapor deposition: AE COVAP
Programmable DC Power Supply: ITECH
Femtosecond Lasers: Light conversion Pharos 10w
Angle-resolved spectroscopy: Idea Optics R1
Confocal Microscope: ZEISS LSM 900
Optical Microscope: ZEISS Axio Imager 2